Wednesday, April 27, 2011

air pollution exam

semalam aku da start final exam. semalam exam air pollution. alhamdulillah ade yang dapat jawap tapi ade gak yang blank~ nak buat macam mane dah manusie ni pelupe maka aku pon dah tak ingat la some part yang aku bacekan.

lepas habis exam aku kuar meronggeng bersama-sama budak-budak class aku. gaye keluar macam dah habis exam. tapi sebenarnye baru 1 paper je habis. kate nk release tension la konon. tension ade tapi bukan sebab exam, tapi sebab carry marks macam haram. sob sob sob

human factor = 52 (yang ni memang sangat-sangat puas hati)
air pollution = 49 (bersyukur lah jugak even tak sampai 50)
human factor = 42 (-.-)
applied mecahnics = 40 (sad + dah tak ada harapan T_T)

p/s: sedang sangat gilekan running man and the avatar: the last air bender (book 3) ^^

Monday, April 25, 2011


hye peeps

my final exam just around the conner, n study week is officially end since today is already monday. however, as usual i'm still leisure-ing around, playing, gossiping, stalking n blogwolking. hehe. sorry still tak rase kepanasan final exam. for 1 whole week i just focusing to 1 subject only. n i hope i'll get an A for this subject. hehe. harapan menggunung babe. actually feel a bit down with accident and incident investigation carry mark. i donno why the mark is so low. especially the test. i think i'm not that stupid that i get that low mark. hurmm. i study really hard for the test (not toooo hard la but still i'm studied till the last minute) at least give me get above 45 over 60 ok. i'm satisfied with that.

anyways wish me luck for my upcoming paper rite dudes =)

this is my schedule for my final hehe
actually the schedule is kinda banyak gaps n aku confirm mesti banyak main nanti (choi la)

p/s: study balik

Friday, April 22, 2011


source: encik google, 2011

zip mulut
diamkan diri
and hope everything going to be ok

got to find another solution >.<''
whatever duhh

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

lori putih

lori putih =)

lori putih ni pemberian mama saye. seriously terharu giler bile dapat tahu mama belikan untuk saye. biasenyer bende ni just terjadi dalam mimpi and siape tahu this thing jadi reality. i really really really do love my mummy =)

alkisah macam mane aku dapat si lori putih ni~ somewhere in february my mummy called me and asked me to come home. tapi aku macam sangat-sangat bz and don't have the time to come home. she said that she has a surprise for me. and if i want it i need to come home. but i didn't. kecewekan mama betul anak die sorang ni. aku ingat surprise birthday party for my aunt since thats week was her birthday.

on 26 february, my daddy called me. he asked me to open mummy punyer facebook (my mummy also ade fb ok). on that time there was a notification that state "my mummy tagged a photo of u' then i opened it and OMG!! its a picture of white lori putih at halaman rumah aku. i'm so speechless and i still ingat its a prank from my parents. and them my daddy said that its a present from my mummy for me. and u know what i did? i cried and cried and cried sambil senyum. its the best present ever!! and on top of that its 100% from my mummy. but i also ade perjanjian with my mummy. if this sem my result below 3.5 she will tarik balik the lori putih....huk huk huk

mama i really really appreciate the present. i don't know how to express my gratitude towards you. i'll try my best to get 3.5 above like the last sem. i'll make u proud of me. i know i'm not the smartest daughter that you had. but i try my best to make u happy and i wanna show to you that your decision to that bought the lori putih for me is not a mistake. i'll try my best mama =)

p/s: study week

Monday, April 18, 2011

melepas rindu

kredit to farhana
thanks for the pictures, really love it

hye peeps

hari ni aku jumpe dengan si bulat n si gemuk aku aka farhana and deana. really mish dewang. sepatutnyer hari ni aku balik ump. but since deana too bz with her thesis and farhana got something else to do yesterday so aku xtend cuti aku. esok baru balik ump. hoho. tapi tak sia-sia la aku balik lambat ump and tak study bcoz dapat hang out dengan dewang and dapat lepas rindu. and one more thing aku dapat makan SUBWAY yang dah berminggu-minggu aku idamkan. weeeee happy face \(",)/ and since the three of us don't have enough money so kiteorang just window shopping and snap-snap some pictures. and don't forget gossiping hehe. i think that's all la kot.

a dinner with my gurls

this entry is kesinambungan from my last entry. disebabkan kekecewaan and kelaparan after the dean list award thing so that night aku, mas, mek, mun, asha n ying pergi tanjung lumpur sebab nak makan ikan bakar. and on top of that asha buat small treat untuk belanje kiteorang sebab help her while she has the chicken pox.

gadis papan iklan (saye dan kak mas saye)
patut dapat gaji ooo promote kedai makan ni.

sambil tunggu makanan sampai sempat posing dulu =)

yea makanan dah sampai
muke bahagia dapat makan. tak sempat nak ambil gambar makanan dah lahap dulu

me n ying after dah kenyang =)

lepas dah isi perut sampai kenyang kiteorang gerak ke karoke pulak. n aku enjoy puas-puas since aku dah lame tensen disebabkan psm. and aku betul-betul puas hati.

p/s: just recived a bad news from my rumate that for the next sem if u want to get a hostel, they look at 50% from ur academic and another 50% from ur activities that u joint in ump. so if u have a good result but not involve in any activities or if u have a bad result but active in ump still cannot stay in hostel. and if u are like me bad in academic and really really really lazy to involve in any activities u can just get out from ump la

Dean's List Award 2011

hye guys

sekarang dengan bahagianya aku melepak-lepak bersenang-lenang di rumah.dah lama kot tak balik rumah.lame ke? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? anyway

last Friday i attended a dean list's award plus farewell party for our dean that will be retired. ok so aku just pakai baju kebaya since aku bawa n tak pernah nak pakai lagi. so this is the only time that i will wear it. nak pakai glamor-glamor pon tak sampai hati bcoz the event just dalam UMP and majlis buat pukul 2.30. segan kot nak pakai jangok-jangok siang hari. aKu ingat majlis tu untuk lunch tapi rupa-rupanye high tea.oh damn. dah la tak makan apa-apa n overall the event is kindda erm suam-suam kuku a bagi aku. aku just enjoy event tu bcoz my friends pon ade. n we all tak tahu pon the theme for the event is retro.the only people in that event that wearing ala-ala retro is the ajk-ajk. so u'all memang syok sendiri la. so malas nk komen panjang just tengok gamba je la eh

for the first time in ump aku dapat sijil ni
thanks to my lecturer that gave me a good grade last sem =)

if i wear my brown boot, rase-rase masuk tak dengan kebaya? baru la jangok kan

ala-ala kerabat diraje la pakai kuning-kuning ni

i like this pic but dont know why
for sure my pipi is obviously tembam XDD

OSH 3rd year + the girl next to me is my lecturer
heart you all

at the end of the majlis, aku still hungry and really-really need to eat nasi.

p/s: since my grade is really good last sem i got a WHITE LORRY from my mummy

Thursday, April 14, 2011

pada suatu masa dulu

sekarang tangah berperang siapkan assignment applied mechanics.tadi baru je lepas siapkan tutor die.nasib baik la jawapan die boleh dapat direct dari in encik GOOGLE.tapi malangnye tak faham. so terpakse la pikir sendiri lagi. sekarang pulak tengah buat take home quiz die. macam susah je. tapi sambil buat kerje die aku teringat 1 kata azimat dalam slide die time class time tengah belajar heat transfer:

what goes in, must come out

haha.macam tak ade kene mengene je dengan heat transfer. yang aku terbayang ialah aku.sebab pape yang masuk perut aku dalam 1 jam kemudian ia akan keluar.ehem2

p/s:pok cik selalu gune en. GOOGLE time dalam class ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

my papan putih

mari lihat papan putih saye yang penuh dengan bahan-bahan artifak =)
hehe.aku memang suke gantung-gantung barang

1. slip exam saye (gantung sebab tak mau hilang.nanti tak boleh ambil exam)
2. no tel untuk kerje-kerje PSM
3. koala bear from australia.comat yang bagi
4. wajah kakak saye si comot n__n
5. gambar kenangan saye bersame diana kat petrosains
6.keychain beli kat indon
7.jadual class sem ni (banyak kosongkan jadual saye)
8.artifak negara.haha.jam budak class yang tertinggal dalam kerete phone dobi (perlu ade untuk cuci baju ngeee)
10. gambar kak mastura saye aka rumate aka course-mate (ni die yang letak sendiri)
11.kad contact orang phone lecturer and orang-orang sewaktu dengannye
13.gambar si bolat saye farhana
14. kunci kedai si muncit
15. gambar saye dan muncit ^__^
16.kunci lori putih
17. kunci si kerak
19. kunci si kurin
20.kunci bilik n pendrive

tercicir pulak no 18 rupenyer

p/s:sape-sape nak suruh aku tampal muke die kat papan putih aku ni cakap la.dengan syarat bagi gambar ansa. n make sure gambar anda tak mengambil ruang yang banyak.

Monday, April 11, 2011

hari membazir sedunia

ini cerite 8/4. sorry la cerita basi sebab dah lame tak update la der. saye pergi meronggeng dengan rumate-rumate saye lepas dah hantar PSM.before keluar saye berazam untuk tidak membeli apa-apa. saye just keluar temankan rumate-rumate saya.

tapi tibe-tine saye sakit hati time keluar. so saye bengang. bile saye bengang dan marah dan rase nak menangis saye pon membeli.saye beli

saye beli komik.hehe
sambil tunggu parata chicken chess saye siap saye boleh ketawa-ketawa
mas cakap macam ni ke perasaan ade adik.hoho.nasib awok la ade adik macam aku ni

and selepas berjalan and berjalan. saye TERbeli ini pulak

macam nak pergi over-the-sea la pulak beli boot ni
aku pon tak tahu kenape aku beli. tapi cantik.haha
make sure aku pakai eh

p/s:tadi sv saye call nak suruh saye tambah lagi PSM saye..arghhhh gile la balik lepas ni


fuh fuh fuh dah lame aku tak semua disebabkan ke-bz-an yang melampau..

segale ke-bz-an aku semua sebab psm..seminggu hidup aku tunggang terbalik. tidur tak betul. makan tak menentu. jerawat pon bertambah-tambah bagaikan cedawan tumbuh selepas hujan. dah la ubat tertinggal kat rumah + datang bulan. memang nasib la muke aku. plus dengan eye beg yang semakin besar. dah rupe macam zombie.

rupe meje aku time tengah bz. kiri kanan penuh dengan kertas.
kalau nak makan kene makan kat lantai

printer aku menjadi meje tempat letak segale buku-buku tebal
printer tu pun bukan boleh gune pon just jadi perhiasan semate-mate

cotton candy yang aku tibe-tibe mengidam time buat kerje
nasib abik ade mek tolong belikan
thanks mek..ngeeee

owh and aku berjaya hantar psm pade tarikh yang ditetapkan 8/ sabtu ahad lepas aku memang bantai tidur and maen game.heaven sebentar hidup saye.oqh and one more thing, bende paling ajaib is sepanjang-panjang aku bz ni berat aku maintain sebab aku kuat makan nasi tengah-tengah malam.hehe

p/s:psm ini masih belum berakhir