lori putih =)
lori putih ni pemberian mama saye. seriously terharu giler bile dapat tahu mama belikan untuk saye. biasenyer bende ni just terjadi dalam mimpi and siape tahu this thing jadi reality. i really really really do love my mummy =)
alkisah macam mane aku dapat si lori putih ni~ somewhere in february my mummy called me and asked me to come home. tapi aku macam sangat-sangat bz and don't have the time to come home. she said that she has a surprise for me. and if i want it i need to come home. but i didn't. kecewekan mama betul anak die sorang ni. aku ingat surprise birthday party for my aunt since thats week was her birthday.
on 26 february, my daddy called me. he asked me to open mummy punyer facebook (my mummy also ade fb ok). on that time there was a notification that state "my mummy tagged a photo of u' then i opened it and OMG!! its a picture of white lori putih at halaman rumah aku. i'm so speechless and i still ingat its a prank from my parents. and them my daddy said that its a present from my mummy for me. and u know what i did? i cried and cried and cried sambil senyum. its the best present ever!! and on top of that its 100% from my mummy. but i also ade perjanjian with my mummy. if this sem my result below 3.5 she will tarik balik the lori putih....huk huk huk
mama i really really appreciate the present. i don't know how to express my gratitude towards you. i'll try my best to get 3.5 above like the last sem. i'll make u proud of me. i know i'm not the smartest daughter that you had. but i try my best to make u happy and i wanna show to you that your decision to that bought the lori putih for me is not a mistake. i'll try my best mama =)
p/s: study week
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