hye peeps
my final exam just around the conner, n study week is officially end since today is already monday. however, as usual i'm still leisure-ing around, playing, gossiping, stalking n blogwolking. hehe. sorry still tak rase kepanasan final exam. for 1 whole week i just focusing to 1 subject only. n i hope i'll get an A for this subject. hehe. harapan menggunung babe. actually feel a bit down with accident and incident investigation carry mark. i donno why the mark is so low. especially the test. i think i'm not that stupid that i get that low mark. hurmm. i study really hard for the test (not toooo hard la but still i'm studied till the last minute) at least give me get above 45 over 60 ok. i'm satisfied with that.
anyways wish me luck for my upcoming paper rite dudes =)

this is my schedule for my final hehe
actually the schedule is kinda banyak gaps n aku confirm mesti banyak main nanti (choi la)
p/s: study balik
huu. aku da 3 paper da. dan kau maseh cuti cuti malaysia. ><"
ReplyDeletehaha..nanti ko abes lg awl dr aku kot