this entry is kesinambungan from my last entry. disebabkan kekecewaan and kelaparan after the dean list award thing so that night aku, mas, mek, mun, asha n ying pergi tanjung lumpur sebab nak makan ikan bakar. and on top of that asha buat small treat untuk belanje kiteorang sebab help her while she has the chicken pox.

gadis papan iklan (saye dan kak mas saye)
patut dapat gaji ooo promote kedai makan ni.

sambil tunggu makanan sampai sempat posing dulu =)

yea makanan dah sampai
muke bahagia dapat makan. tak sempat nak ambil gambar makanan dah lahap dulu

me n ying after dah kenyang =)
lepas dah isi perut sampai kenyang kiteorang gerak ke karoke pulak. n aku enjoy puas-puas since aku dah lame tensen disebabkan psm. and aku betul-betul puas hati.
p/s: just recived a bad news from my rumate that for the next sem if u want to get a hostel, they look at 50% from ur academic and another 50% from ur activities that u joint in ump. so if u have a good result but not involve in any activities or if u have a bad result but active in ump still cannot stay in hostel. and if u are like me bad in academic and really really really lazy to involve in any activities u can just get out from ump la
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