hye guys
sekarang dengan bahagianya aku melepak-lepak bersenang-lenang di rumah.dah lama kot tak balik rumah.lame ke? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? anyway
last Friday i attended a dean list's award plus farewell party for our dean that will be retired. ok so aku just pakai baju kebaya since aku bawa n tak pernah nak pakai lagi. so this is the only time that i will wear it. nak pakai glamor-glamor pon tak sampai hati bcoz the event just dalam UMP and majlis buat pukul 2.30. segan kot nak pakai jangok-jangok siang hari. aKu ingat majlis tu untuk lunch tapi rupa-rupanye high tea.oh damn. dah la tak makan apa-apa n overall the event is kindda erm suam-suam kuku a bagi aku. aku just enjoy event tu bcoz my friends pon ade. n we all tak tahu pon the theme for the event is retro.the only people in that event that wearing ala-ala retro is the ajk-ajk. so u'all memang syok sendiri la. so malas nk komen panjang just tengok gamba je la eh

for the first time in ump aku dapat sijil ni
thanks to my lecturer that gave me a good grade last sem =)

if i wear my brown boot, rase-rase masuk tak dengan kebaya? baru la jangok kan

ala-ala kerabat diraje la pakai kuning-kuning ni

i like this pic but dont know why
for sure my pipi is obviously tembam XDD

OSH 3rd year + the girl next to me is my lecturer
heart you all
at the end of the majlis, aku still hungry and really-really need to eat nasi.
p/s: since my grade is really good last sem i got a WHITE LORRY from my mummy
kak. teda tau pon dean. congrates! bile aku nak ikot jejak kau ni?
ReplyDeletehehe...selapas 3 tahun kt ump ni 1st time duhh..
dis sem xtau la mcm mne
eh2..mcm aku pernah tgk baju ko pkai tue...
ReplyDeletehaha..recycle la der...aku xdek bnyak bju...bju tu pon last pakai ntah bape tahun yg lalu