when the jam strikes 12 on 31th dec 2008,msok la kite ke tahun baru.people all over the world cheering n whishing hepi new year.this year, for the 1st time aku smbut new year at UMP.n xdek celebrate pape pon. just waiting for the clock strikes 12 n wish to my dear fwenz hepi new year n most important wish kt my ex rumate time at matrik dlu epi besday.EPI BESDAY INTAN.
slalunyer kalu aku kt rumah aku n famly akn kluar celebrate new year xpon dok tercongok dpn tv nk tgk bunge api..hehe.tp best lg kuar.even jam cmnepon tgk yg real pnyer bunge api mmg best.sometime org area dpn umah aku men bunge api so aku tgk kt umah pon da ckup gak.this year xdpt tgk bunge api..huhu..tp aku smbt new year gn mengadap muvie yg bengong..superhero the movie.bangang jew cite 2.mcm org gile aku ktawe sorang2.
da msok thun baru nie.....aku harap aku ade azam baru la..tgu aku pk 10 ari 10 mlm bru dpt kot azam baru.tp ade azam baru pon kalo xwat xkemane gakkn.huhu.bnyk gak la my sweet memories time 2008.ade gumbire,sedey,ade aku bangun n jatuh aku,aku couple n clash on the same year(nmpk sgt xthn lame) mcm2 la.tp pling best time kt matrik la.huhu.xkn ku lupekn tahun 2008 yg da berlalu pergi 2.tp aku xkn ulang the same mistake yg aku wt last year.aku akan jd a better person this year(hopefully).
hepi bufday intan.
intan is my ex rumate time kt matrik dlu.besday die 1 jan.die nie lah antare yg awl menjangkau ke usie tue. huhu. msok je pkol 12 aku try kol die nk wish beday.tp die xangkat.so anta msg je la.what a lucky gurl.die bgtau die da dpt present from her hubby.a large set of coklat cadburry with a card.wah!!!sedapnyer.jeleshnyer aku.nk gak ade org kasi coklat bnyk2.anyway intan happy birthday yg ke 20 n enjoy your life.
aku ingat lg time kt matrik kteorng serang die time birthday die.da xsampai xdek rupe die da kteorang kejekn si intan nie.haha.nie la mke intan lpas da dimakeup.pling ketare kt die pnyer kening.haha.da mcm shin chan da.nie seme kje si huda.haha.

pandai make up he...23x
ReplyDeletemake up jd monster bleh la..huhu