kiss on the lips=i love you
kiss on the ear=you are special
kiss on the neck=i want you
kiss somewhere else=be careful
holding hands=happiness
a hug=i care
looking at each other=i like you
looking around=hiding true feeling
tear drop=i'm losing you
crying=i lost you

kiss on the nose=laughter
kiss on the forehead=i comfort youkiss on the neck=i want you
kiss somewhere else=be careful
holding hands=happiness
a hug=i care
looking at each other=i like you
looking around=hiding true feeling
tear drop=i'm losing you
crying=i lost you

p/s:baru bgn tido tros ngadap laptop..ade assgmnt nk kne wat bnde alah nie plak.terpesong jaoh dr tujuan asl..hee
best camtuh...
ReplyDeletetp aku tak penah buat kat sape2...
even ex aku sndri...
ko rase, dye sayang aku ke??agagaga
ReplyDeletehuhuhuhu..mne aku tau..cube ko tnye ex ko..die je yg ade jwpn yg ko nk 2..hik2
ReplyDeletecium bibir, dpt tek gigi..
ReplyDeletecium telinge, amek kau tek telinge,
cium idung, tercekik tek idung ah jwbnye kau..
pengotor gile balak ko