why now
why now
why now
ape yang sekarangnyer??
sekarang perut aku tengah meragam..dah berhari2 die dok acik nak sakit jew perut nie
sekarang aku semakin kurang mood makan..nasi yang aku ambil sedikit and kadang2 tak habis..ape yang aku nak sebenarnye aku pon tak tahu
sekarang banyak assingment and project yang nak kene hantar
project 1 baru nak jalan dah dapat project yang ke 2
pas tu kalau yang dalam ump xpe nie nak kene g industry n kilang2
ish nyusahkan betol
hidup ku dah tunggang terbalik with all the assignments, projects and presentation
i need some one to talk to me
to share my problems
to share everything with me
someone that can accept me the way i am
someone that can tell me if i did something wrong
someone that can make me laugh when i'm in a bad mood
someone that can calm me down
i hope you understand me
maybe i ask a lot of thing from you
but that is me
i always need somebody that can keep me company the whole time
why now
why now
why now
ape yang sekarangnyer??
sekarang perut aku tengah meragam..dah berhari2 die dok acik nak sakit jew perut nie
sekarang aku semakin kurang mood makan..nasi yang aku ambil sedikit and kadang2 tak habis..ape yang aku nak sebenarnye aku pon tak tahu
sekarang banyak assingment and project yang nak kene hantar
project 1 baru nak jalan dah dapat project yang ke 2
pas tu kalau yang dalam ump xpe nie nak kene g industry n kilang2
ish nyusahkan betol
i need some one to talk to me
to share my problems
to share everything with me
someone that can accept me the way i am
someone that can tell me if i did something wrong
someone that can make me laugh when i'm in a bad mood
someone that can calm me down
i hope you understand me
maybe i ask a lot of thing from you
but that is me
i always need somebody that can keep me company the whole time